日本財団 図書館


(except in the case where such an act may be conducted by a public officer, user of the facilities or concessionaire for the purpose of performing their duties or business).
(4)To use an open flame without permission of the Airport Administrator.
(5)To use an inflammable or volatile liquid for the purpose of cleaning an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller or other equipment in the open air, or in any place other than working areas that are properly fireproofed and are equipped with adequate and readily accessible fire extinguishing apparatus.
(6)To keep or store any inflammable liquid, gas, or other similar material in an area other those specifically designated for such a purpose by the Airport Administrator (provided that such materials may be kept in an aircraft in the proper receptacles installed in the aircraft for such purposes, or as permitted by the Airport Administrator).
(7)To smoke in places on the airport where smoking is specifically prohibited by the Airport Administrator.
(8)To smoke within thirty (30) meters of an aircraft being fuelled or defuelled.
(9)To approach within thirty (30) meters of an aircraft being fuelled or defuelled, or which is under repair or trial operation (except for those persons engaged in said operations).
(10)To conduct "doping" processes in places other than rooms which are properly fireproofed and are equipped with ventilation equipment within buildings meeting the requirements prescribed by the Airport Administrator.
(11)To use a flammable or volatile substance for cleaning hangars and floors of other buildings.
(12)To leave oil-soaked rags or other similar materials in places other than in suitable metal containers designed for storage of such said materials.
(13)To enter the terminal building or restricted areas with animals other than seeing-eye dogs or those which are used for special purposes.
(14)In addition to the above, no person shall commit any disorderly act or any acts of nuisance within the airport or its precincts.


(Accident Report)
Article 19. Any person who is within the airport shall, when he becomes aware of the occurrence of a crime, fire hazard or any serious accident, make a full report thereon as soon as possible to the Airport Administrator or any of the employees of the airport administration office or a police agent.


(Fuelling Operations, etc.)
Article 20. The following rules govern the fuelling and defuelling operations for aircraft:


1. No aircraft shall be fuelled or defuelled when:





